so my (18f) best friend (18f) and i have been friends since we were little kids and her sibling (14) wanted to experiment i suppose and kissed someone of the same sex. there were things spreading about what happened and the kiss part turned out to be true, and my best friend went ballistic and proceeded to call her homophobic parents and told them that her sibling had kissed someone of the same sex and everything else is kind of a blur, best friend went home, sibling asked me why, i told sibling why best friend had left. i’m pissed because 1) i am unapologetically queer and that only happened after i made the decision to come out to my family and 2) i would be absolutely livid if my older brother did that to me. i talked to both my best friend and her sibling and the sibling told me that they didn’t want to tell best friend because they knew this would happen and they are scared, best friend said that she wanted to “fix” sibling but she robbed them of something that is so important and i don’t think i can continue to be her friend anymore. what can i do to make this better? should i even try to make it better at this point because she obviously thinks that people who are lgbt+ need to be fixed? please help!

TL;DR: my best friend outted her sibling to their homophobic parents and she thinks she did nothing wrong and i’m questioning my friendship with my best friend

  1. Your “best friend” is a homophobe. It’s your choice, of course, to be friends with someone who thinks people like you need to be fixed, but not a choice I’d make.

  2. Definitely end this friendship but make sure the sibling knows they can come to you for advice/to talk/etc. I feel really bad for the sibling, your friend sucks.

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