How do I (33 F) support my friend (33 F) who is in love with a cheater (37 M)?

I need advice. Asking this on behalf of a friend, because they’re much too proud to ask for help! Throwaway because both of the people I’m talking about are huge reddit users and follow my main acc.

My friend, let’s call her Alice (33 F) has been seeing a man, let’s call him Dave (37 M) who is currently in the process of leaving his current relationship. I apologise, I don’t know all of the juicy details but I’ll try and answer all questions.
They have been friends for a long time but started dating about 18 months ago. The partner of Dave, as far as I know, works a lot and isn’t home much. She doesn’t seem to be happy but I don’t think she thinks that Dave is planning to leave or that he is seeing Alice. Dave and Alice do seem to have such a lovely connection and are so happy but it’s hard to look past the fact that he’s cheating on his current partner.

Alice is head over heels in love with him. Said she fell in love with him when they were just friends, and well before the relationship turned physical. Apparently he felt similar. But it’s been so long, and Dave is yet to leave that I’m concerned for Alice that he never will. Dave and his partner are in the process of selling their house and their investment property, which is giving Alice hope that he is about to leave to be with her.

Have you ever cheated on a spouse to end up faithful with your new partner? Any advice for Alice? Any advice for how I can support her or wake her up?

Sorry for any formatting issues, I’m on mobile.
TLDR: my friend is dating someone who is in a relationship and wants to know if and how her can relationship with him can survive when/if he leaves to be with her.

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