
I’m the person who posted a few days ago about a[n acquantaince contacting me for a possible job offer](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/uf9zlh/an_acquaintance_contacted_me_for_a_job_offer/). We then had a video call to further discuss the position and it went really well. I didn’t have much background information about the salary for her offering position so I told her after the interview I will send her an email with my request salary plus benefits and we can negotiate from there. She seems to really want me to join the team and I think its a great opportunity as well. So what is the best way to proceed with the best outcome for the negotiation and still leave a good impression? Someone mentioned not sending her my CV and I did not, so is it the right time to do it yet? She did mention during the call that her way of doing things is to offer salary while leave room for other benefits (revenue commission, given share in the company after 3 years, a budget of XXX for housing each month – for managers and up) so what do you think is the best way to offer my desired salary and avoid the “getting unperpaid because you’ll get this and this benefit” stuation?

I have a number that I want, excluding all the benefits, but should I consider the benefit and give her a lower number or give her the number that I WANT and she will negotiate it down? Would it still leave a good impression as she’s my acquaintance and I want to start things smoothly? Is it the moment where I “pitch” myself by giving her my CV and a look (some screenshots) into my conducted training materials during my past employment?

To add some context, she is a restaurant owner going to expand her business in the next 5 years and is looking for a person to conduct systemize her current SOP, conduct new training materials, setting internal service standards and conduct training for the future staff and managers as she opens in other cities in the future.

Appreciate all your answers, thank you so much <3


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