My girl has been friend with a girl living very close in our neighborhood for 2 years. They are and will be going to the same schools so they will be long-term friends. That girl is the only one friend that she hangs out with off campus.

The girl and her parents sometimes dropped by without notice ahead asking us out m to the playground nearby. She always runs into our house right after we opened the door without asking. Her parents did not say anything. I am not feeling comfortable but said nothing.

The Saturday afternoon 2 weeks ago that girl rang our dollbell while both me and my husband were napping. My kids opened the door and she just ran in making loud noises which woke me up. I told her mom I got a cold and was napping. She did not say sorry and didn’t tell her daughter that was wrong so I showed my unhappy face. It seems she got it as the next day she told her daughter to make appointment before coming to our place.

However the girl did the same thing again today – ran into my house without notice ahead without acknowledgment from me and my husband and woke me up from napping. Her mom arrived later, felt a little embarrassed and left without saying sorry and without teaching her daughter.

Also her mom mentioned she never bothered to teach her daughter it was wrong while she found out she lied.

The girl’s family is good except things above. They bring us nice home made food and vegetables they planted.

I am worried that my daughter will get rude and have bad behavior if she hangs out with that girl. What should I do?

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