I need advice:

Please only offer something if you’re going to be nice. Last time I posted on here people were really bitchy… so please don’t lol

So I met this girl on hinged like 3 months ago and we’ve been on 3 dates so far.

We’re both uni students however we’re at different unis. We’re about an hour train ride from each other, which is like £8-13 so not too bad. However, with uni comes lack of time as well as lack of money.

This wouldn’t be as bad if we were together for a long time previously AND THEN the distance came, but it’s always been long distance lol and I’m just worried it’ll be really hard but I’m desperate to make it work because she’s amazing to spending time with. There’s definitely chemistry between us and we’ve had the lil ‘I wish I kissed u on the previous date’ etc

Ever since she got a job, we haven’t talked as much/ often because she’s busy and overwhelmed at the end of the day (which is understandable) but on the bright side more money = more dates? Btw we’ve been on a date since her getting the job, but it was really short because she had uni work to do

Here’s the thing: I’m clingy asf and I constantly want reassurance tbat I’m still liked by you etc (partly bc I have an anxiety disorder) but I’m afraid to ask for the reassurance incase I seem attention seeking, so of course the lack of communication is torturous but I just feel bad being sad about it since everyone needs space etc.

Would you carry on?? Because I really want this to turn into a relationship, I’m just scared of getting hurt

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