Growing up I was taught by my dad, older brothers and uncles (and also learned on my own) that a big part of being a man is being realistic about stuff and not believing in some things just because it’s nice and feels good or is convenient. I learned that truth is not always convenient and sometimes it’s unbearable.

But we live with it. We as men, being exposed to all the really shitty realities more than the opposite sex is, can’t afford to allow ourselves to be clouded by idealistic beliefs because it would be practical.

The most obvious example is how many men still believe that attracting women is all about personality and character when it quite blatantly isn’t, this is more blatant in a world where women don’t need to rely on men, so they tend not to pretend anymore. Another one is how so many men believe that there’s inherent good and evil and that other people have our best interests at heart and that believing the opposite makes one a pessimist, it really doesn’t.

This brings my question in the title.

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