I don’t know where the best sub to ask this question is, but I’ll try here.

I’ve realized that I’m missing on a lot of opportunities of making new experiences purely because of my overthinking. Afterwards I just face a long relentless period of regret where I just play different scenarios in my head and how I couldn’t done something differently.

This could range from buying a certain item online to introducing myself to a co-worker. However, most of the issues come from social scenarios. If I wanted to talk to an old classmate that I’ve seen in public or getting to know someone more, I’d just overthink and not do it. If I wanted to buy something when on sale, I’d just end up overthinking all of the possibilities and then end up missing the sale.

I’ve come to realize that I regretted a lot of things in life, and most of it is probably because of my overthinking:

“What if this item oes on a better sale”
“What if this person thinking I’m weird”
“What if I hate the party that I was invited to”
“What if i say something that makes myself look bad”

This is just some of the examples that’s literally happened over the past few days. I don’t know anything about why, but I would like to know what’s the reason for all of this (I would love to hear the psychology about this). Is it because I always want things to be perfect? Does this come from the way that I was raised where I myself had to try and be a perfect kid? Does it have to do with my self-esteem?

I’m hoping I didn’t ramble off, but I would like to hear your thoughts. If any of you guys had a similar thing, how did you get over this? Any explanations or advise is appreciated.

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