So this has been bothering me for quite long evidently, we have been in relationship for nearly a decade. And we got into relationship in early college days because we both were physically very compatible and were extremely passionate about sex and it was one of the main foundation of our relationship. We had a very good time but since the beginning of 2022, we have not had sex. We are working professionals living far away from our native city (we belong to same city). We have gone through long conversations regarding this, she is loyal, wants to marry me but her family doesn’t like my kind. Regardless of this, she has stood by me against all odds. But a sudden stoppage of intimacy has taken a huge toll on me mentally. Regarding this, she has said that she been through a lot of stress relating to work and family. She said that this will get fixed in time by itself. But it has been more than a year of me patiently waiting, and when it comes to physical intimacy, things have not moved one bit. We dont kiss, touch, caress anymore. We sleep in same bed and Nothing happens, it just messes up my mind.

Now due to this, frustrations are building inside me and that leads to mild arguments time to time. And due to those occasional arguments, things are goijg downhill in a vicious circle where whenever i express my concern, it turns into a case of me not understanding her situation, and further leading to nowhere.

I understand that she may have lost interest in these as things in her life is stressful. But also I am losing my mind slowly and I can’t seem to understand if I’m wrong to be longing for a intimate moment. I dont know what to from here at this point.

There is no affair angle as far as I know, I don’t know how to carry on like this anymore.

Should I move on? Or continue like this? As I love ger whole heartedly.

TLDR: we stopped having sex from past 1.5 years because she doesn’t want to and wants some time to get into her old self but things are still the same and I don’t see any change in immediate future.

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