I’m f24 and I typically masturbate at least three times a day, giving myself multiple orgasms each time. I will cum 5,10, 15 times a day if I’m really aroused, but it varies. It may even be more some other days.

This doesn’t wane. Doesn’t matter what time of the month, I literally can’t leave myself alone. I love doing it, but I worry that I do it to an excess. I probably spend anywhere from 1-2 hours a day just trying to cum.

My favorite times to do it are immediately when I wake up, in the middle of the day, and right before bed. I shower every night and will sometimes do it before and after too.

They are ritualistic. I have a hard time sleeping if I haven’t orgasmed. If I have a morning meeting that interrupts my cum schedule, I can’t stop thinking about it. Even if I get my morning in, I can’t stop thinking about how I’ll spend my break.

I know this probably isn’t the most healthy, but I know it’s also just hormones. I am constantly aroused. It’s just really hard ignoring the feeling. I physically feel it as well as mentally and it’s hard to focus. I truly fear what I will be like in my 40’s because I’ve heard women just peak out during this time with hormones (I will need to be put in horny jail, I just know it).

So what can I do to suppress these hormones? Please don’t recommend getting a man as I don’t have the space for one right now. I would like one in the future though because I know this will help.

Despite my late night humor, I am serious. I’d love some tips on suppressing these feelings. I don’t want to give it up and I don’t have a porn addiction. Thanks!

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