What do men think of women with short hair ? Also women with glasses?

  1. If you look good with short hair and glasses, then rock it. Different faces/bodies, look better with different styles.

    One size definitely does not fit all. This also goes for what’s attractive.

  2. They can be pretty cute. Usually come off as either smart and nervous, or the kind of girl that likes to play animal crossing with you.

  3. Depends on the person. Some women pull it off well. I can’t explain it but some women just have a rude appearance with short hair that just turns me off.

  4. That obviously all the women are the same and all hold the same opinion on even the most mundane of matters. It’s like a hive mind.

  5. I generally spend exactly 0 minutes of my time every day thinking about women with short hair or with glasses or whatever, so I think literally nothing of it.

  6. It depends on the facial structure. It’s a good look if you can pull it off. Jada smith for instance is absolutely beautiful with short hair or even no hair at all.

  7. You just described 4 out 5 of the last women i dated: short hair & glasses

  8. The answer to the question: do men like women who (insert literally anything) is always yes. No matter what it is, there will be men out there who will be looking for exactly that, even if it is in secret (depends on what that thing is). So ask away, the answer wont change. The answer is yes.

  9. Me personally:

    * Glasses: Generally no problem, of course there are ugly glasses and good looking ones.
    * Short hair: Not too much of a fan, there are very few women where I think that it looks better than long hair.

  10. Some women pull-off short hair and/or glasses extremely well. So well, that long hair looks strange on them. My personal preference on a woman is long hair. I like it. And my wife always had long hair, at one point nearly touching her butt. And when she was pregnant and got the luxurious pregnant hair, it was so amazing. Now I’m not the possessive sort. She’s a person. She’s a human being. She’s not my property. She can do whatever she wants. But she chopped her hair off about 10 years ago. I mean…..it was full-on boy cut type hair cut. I think they called it a Pixie cut. She went from long and luxurious to bobbing it all off……….and she didn’t tell me. There wasn’t weeks or months of her telling me she was thinking about it or planning to do it. Evidently, she did it on impulse. I came home from work and she was wearing a hoodie and did the big reveal.

    Guys…….definitely not my proudest moment. I should’ve been positively reinforcing. But I just stood there dumbfounded and not able to say anything. I was in absolute complete shock. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t say anything. As much as I wanted to say something I couldn’t. I was hurt. It sounds ridiculous. It’s shouldn’t be any of my concern, really. She can do what she wants. But I just turned and walked away. Yeah…..I’m a total asshole. It made it so much worse because she started crying. Well……she can’t let things go without discussing, which is why she is so amazing. I apologized to her and said, “I guess I should’ve told you more over the years just how much I love your hair. I think this is all on me and not you, truly You just really shocked me is all.” She said she just really wanted to change things up and do something fun and radical. And she had NEVER, in her 30 years of life, never had short hair. She wanted to try it. I get that. I totally understand that. It just really knocked my wind out is all. The shock of it. Plus, in retrospect, I think post partum hormones level do whacky things things to the brain…….we both agreed on that. She looked amazing in short hair. She always looks amazing. But it took me a while to get used to it. Pounding her from behind in doggy felt like I was cheating on her with someone else. But I appreciate the fact that in the end she promised me she would never cut it again. It’s back to being long of course, and I love it. Pretty awesome that she keeps it long just for me.

  11. Short hair is generally frowned upon.

    Glasses can be fine depending on how they are styled and they look better with long hair.

    That being said, neither of those are deal-breakers or makers. The whole package is more important. What kind of sexual history does she have? Does she have a career? Is she educated? Does she do drugs? Does she have tattoos?

  12. Personally I prefer long hair, but plenty of short haired women look great

    Glasses are kind of unnoticed for me

  13. Depends. I normally do not think of these things but they’re… Just things, ultimately.

    Short (natural) hair is something I’m normally wary about in terms of friends or otherwise because where I come from, long well kept hair is a pretty good piece of hard evidence that someone has sense of self-love and dedication. People that wear wigs or weaves and get frustrated with/just cut their own hair often lack the patience necessary for that kind of stuff and I’ve personally seen that show through in other personality facets.

  14. In general, short hair doesn’t look good on a woman unless she has the face for it. If you have a very pretty face like Audrey Hepburn, it works. Otherwise, it really doesn’t. Most women should have long hair because it’s one of the things that makes them look feminine.

    Glasses are fine as long as the frames accentuate and complement the face. The wrong frames look very bad. The right frames will look good.

  15. I don’t have a blanket “short hair is bad” viewpoint. If it suits her, then it looks good. It doesn’t matter if it’s a bob, a pixie cut or something else. Some women suit shorter cuts more than others. For example, Morena Baccarin seems to suit pretty much everything, in my opinion.

    A similar thing applies to glasses. It’s not the glasses per se that might be the issue, but the style.

  16. Short hair depends on the cut and her face. Glasses are a yes, but the frames need to compliment the rest of her look.

  17. The same as I do with long haired women “she’s cute DONT FUCK UP DONY FUCK UP DONT FUCK UP”

  18. Depends on how short her hair is. I do enjoy shoulder length hairstyles but anything beyond that is getting too short.

  19. I like the looks of glasses, short hair on a case by case scenario. I’ve always preferred longer, at least shoulder length.

  20. Short to pixie is not for all women, but on the right person that can carry it and carry it off, it is absolutely smashing and definitely increases my heart rate! Glasses too.

  21. Glasses or no, fine either way. Glasses aren’t, or shouldn’t be, a fashion statement; they’re something that people like me who have poor eyesight use to be able to see things clearly. So long as she’s picked a set of frames that compliment her facial features it’s all good.

    Short hair, so long as it isn’t *too* short, I’m okay with it. Long hair requires a lot of time-consuming care and I’m fine with women who aren’t into that. But she needs enough to get my fingers into; the women I’ve been with, taking a grip on their hair right above the nape of their neck right before closing the deal 19/20 has sent it to the next level for them.

  22. yea usually when women can pull off the short hair look, or even bald. they are fcking gorgeous. like natalie portman in v for vendetta. these questions make me feel really shallow btw.

  23. I think that women put more impossible beauty standards on themselves than men do.

    If she’s cute, She’s cute. Full stop.

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