So basically we r classmates in uni, we only talked during lectures but not always, I kinda want to be friends and get to know them more, so one day in person I asked this person to hangout out of the blue, they agreed

But the problem is that I don’t know if it’s weird at their perspective and they agreed my offer just to not hurt my feelings… As we don’t msg each other even though we hv each other’s insta (during the beginning of uni they do msg me, I also initiate conversations with them but mostly the conversations died quickly and we hadn’t msg other since) but I know they do text other people so I don’t think it’s a communication problem?

(I also feel like I shouldn’t text them out of the blue to just talk abt lecture works or random stuff to strengthen the bond as we both got our own friends within the course at the same time it’s Christmas holiday now and I won’t be able to see them in a while to talk until the day we hangout)

I’m planning to ask them what will we do during the hangout few days before via text so it will be less awkward I guess?

Summary: is it weird to ask someone to hangout that isn’t close and we don’t talk to each other often?

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