Hoping I can get some insight from some of yall as to some blood test results I got back during my first appointment with my new primary care doctor.

Short back story – 7 years ago I weighed 300lbs. Didn’t drink often, got sick and tired of being sick and tired so over the following years I hit the gym hard. 2 years down and I hit my lowest weight of 190lbs. Dad passed away suddenly when I was 24 from a severe heart attack. Loved my dad and there’s not a day that goes by I don’t miss him. Fast forward 5 years and a lot of trying to keep going to the gym and I hit 235 lbs. A few months ago I made it a point to get back into. I didn’t feel great, BP was higher than it should and so as of today I’m down to 227 and dropping. I don’t drink alcohol (not my favorite thing in the world) and I’m taking Omega 3s, garlic pills for BP and regular multivitamins.

Today – I find a primary care doctor just to establish care and I get my blood results back. My AST is 30(normal) but my ALT is 61. Triglycerides are high too but i think thats because of the weight gain (correct me if im wrong.) Everything else is in range. But I wanted to ask if the ALT being high is cause for concern or if continuing to lose weight will help that.

I just want to make sure I’m staying healthy for my wife and myself. I know when it’s my time it’s my time, but I want to do everything I can to ensure I’m healthy. Thanks in advance!

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