I (18f) am dating my past classmate and log term friend ‘T’ (20M) for the past 5 months. We met during the first year of highschool, T was known as the school ‘player’ and was popular where as I was the shy and chubby kid back then.

T was dating ‘N’ but due to some family drama both of them broke up in 2020 due to his mom disliking her and also N’s mom also disliking T, N ended it during monsoon. It must be added that htey are neighbours but don’t talk to eachother. He was 17 when this happened.
It must be added he did cheat on her couple of times.

Now T and I became bestfriends when he was 18 and began to talk almost everyday. An year into the friendship T confessed that he had caught feelings for me but due to his past reputation I said i need some time to think, he was very respectful of that and I finally said yes this year January. The last few months were one of the best i had in a relationship but one night, T confessed that he misses N alot during monsoons, and has a hard time during that season he also started a sentence like “if she comes back I’d-” but left it empty, i knew what he was going to say.

The next morning i tried to break it off but he swore that it was just his childish self talking that night and that he loves me. He also promised that he’ll work on himself and heal his past wounds so it doesn’t affect us currently. But he is still adamant about me spending more time with him during monsoons. I also found out that N did try to reach out to T and be friends with him but he refused, i don’t know the reason why.

I honestly have no idea what to do here, he is very affectionate, and a great guy to me, always transparent about his where abouts and socials and his mom loves me. We’ve known eachother for very long and I want to be there for him but in a way this incident is still bothering me. Any advice?

Tl;Dr:- my boyfriend broke up with his ex 3 years ago and seems to be over her but still asks me to be around him during monsoon cause he feels sad and depressed during that season

  1. >>But he is still adamant about me spending more time with him during monsoons

    Naw, you don’t have to be his therapist during the monsoon as he mourns a woman he is still sad about. That’s just asking too much. He needs to get himself together.

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