I had a crush while studying abroad this semester. We met at two classes we had together, but later she changed subjects, so I hadn’t seen her any more. Before messaging her on Instagram (we hadn’t exchanged accounts, but I knew her name), I wanted to talk to her in person.
Unfortunately, since she is about to leave and we didn’t coincide again, I finally decided to message her as a last resource. All my female friends agree that it is better to message her than staying forever in doubt. Now or never.
The thing is, I don’t want to seem creepy or put her in an uncomfortable position. That’s why they told me to make the message, something like: “Hey \[Name\]! We met at \[Place\]. I’m not sure if you remember. I am going to \[Country\] and since you are the only \[Nationality\] I knew while here, I wanted to ask for which places to visit.” And then developing the conversation from there to see if she replies/is comfortable to speak to me.
They say it is better this than asking if she is free to hang out since it has been a while since we didn’t meet. So, I post this here to get a third opinion from girls, just to make sure I don’t mess up. What do you think the message should be like?
Thank you a lot for your time!

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