what makes you fall in love & how does love feel to you?

  1. Used to fall in love fairly easily. Was always kind of a giddy feeling at first then a warm kind of glow after a few months kinda like being a little buzzed since the giddy fell off into a contentment.
    Now you don’t want to know what I think because it’s depressing.

  2. If a woman says “dude” immediately I’m like “we were met to be, our paths have crossed, we have met in a way that was unconventional” (I’m drunk atm, but I wanna see what my fellow dudes have to say about this)

  3. i feel like itd help if i described what i feel & what causes it: ive only been in real true love twice but it always started with his sense of humor and if i could tell if he was true and authentic to himself, just a genuine person. but love feels so overwhelming to me, its like getting swept away in a wave of comfort. he feels like home and everything about his is beautiful. causing his smile is the best thing i could do. i could spend forever seeing them happy. and thats corny but yea

  4. Cuddling, sharing tough things with each other ,knowing they are there for you, not getting sick of seeing them

  5. What people like to call “fall in love” is more than likely lust.

    Our hormones dictate how we feel. And men dont really fall in love.

    What makes me in love is oxytocin. Or rather it keeps me in love and uninterested in other women.

    Love doesnt really feel like anything. It is not the butterflies and the excitement. Attraction and affection is the basis of all romantic relationship, but neither is love. Love is a bond that you feel with the individual.

  6. The first thing that interests is physical attraction. That’s the natural reason we have that complex, anyhow. At that point, I’m not in love, yet. What sets me into a spin is what we have in common, and building upon our differences. The differences thing is important.

    It helps to change you, and her to best suit one another’s needs. At that point, I’m in love. Some decisions are difficult to make, others are things we’ve been working on for a long time, and having a partner motivates you to make yourself get those things done.

    I haven’t felt love in a long time. I haven’t even fixated on someone for a LONG time. It’s been years, but remembering it, it feels like an overwhelming feeling of fulfillment. I feel complete. Now, only if I could get a date…

  7. I’ll be honest, I don’t really quite know what love is, having a neglectful family, friends that abandon you when you need them, and confidence-killing experiences with romance will do that to you. So because of that, I pretty much fell for anyone that gave me any recognition for the longest time, and tel myself I really have to get to know the person before I “love” them. So I guess it would technically be knowing them long enough, but usually they either leave or do something to lose my trust before I reach that point.

    And because of those experiences, love feels fucking terrifying because for a brief moment I let my guard down just to get hurt again.

  8. Love is what you get when the initial lust dies down. You choose to love and be with someone every day even when it’s hard.

  9. The feeling I associate with love is horrible. It’s consciously knowing you care about someone more than they care about you, knowing that it’s never going to be reciprocated, it’s like nausea but it doesn’t go away. No thanks, better off without it.

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