I’m 18m, and I just suck at talking to people my age, I struggle to hold a conversation with my closest friends even. And I met a girl I really like, but I struggle to find things to talk about with here after I knocked out asking about hobbies and stuff. I just don’t get how conversation with people my age going I guess. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I wasn’t like this as a kid, even though I was a quiet kid. But now I feel like I’ve lost all my social skills, and I can’t hold a basic conversation. I don’t know what to do? This girl I’ve been talking to, I wanna ask her out, and I think she’ll say yes. But when we meet up, I have no idea how to have a real conversation with her. I’m scared that she’ll think I’m weird, since I don’t know how to talk to people. I’m just socially inept I guess…

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