I’ve only got a few friends, we’re a group of friends from uni. After uni I didn’t contact any of them for a few years, but I have got back in contact over the last year. We have met up a few times and talk online every so often, but I still feel like I’m not that close with them. I don’t know if they feel the same about me, or each other. It might just be paranoia though.


I was thinking about getting a small gift for each of them for christmas, since we are meeting up soon, but I’m having doubts. I keep worrying that I’m just getting the gifts because it’s expected, or in case they had got gifts and I seemed rude for not bringing some. Or that it might be awkward if I get them gifts and they didn’t get any, and they’d feel bad. I feel like I’m not getting the gifts just because I want to, and I don’t like that idea. But if I make the wrong choice, it might make me look bad and affect my relationship with them.


What do people normally do in situations like this? Am I wrong in some of my assumptions and fears?

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