I see this a lot in movies when the guy and girl start out as friends but then something happens and now they’re dating. Just wondering how often this actually happens.

  1. Decided to see him in person after meeting him online in a game. After a couple hangouts we decided to start dating each other and now we’re married!

  2. Before tinder this was the norm. You found someone that was cool and were friends with. All the sudden you realized there was more to it. Then you were dating.

  3. It went good at first, and then it didn’t. Lost the friendship and split our friend group lol.

  4. We met at a job we both worked at and starting hanging out just as friends. I actually did not see him in a romantic light at ALL for almost a whole year. Eventually, one day we just started flirting and it was over from there. Been together for a little over a year officially, after “talking/dating” for a couple of months.

  5. We were friends, and then there were benefits, and then he sat me down a couple months in and told me that my commitment phobic bs was, in fact, bs.

    We’ve been together over a decade now. He’s the best.

  6. I thought it was going to be everything I ever wished for and quickly realized that he was kind of jealous and even a bit controlling.

    I don’t think it will go badly all the time but I’d definitely take things slower if it ever happened again to really feel the person out. People don’t act the same in relationships as they do with friends.

  7. My husband and I met at work and quickly became besties. We lived in the same neighborhood and would hang out almost every weekend. We were strictly platonic for almost a year. I ended up getting a job overseas and we went out for what we thought would be our last night hanging out for awhile. We hooked up that night and the second we crossed that boundary I knew there was no going back. We just celebrated our five year wedding anniversary in October and it’s been the best five years of my life.

  8. We broke up eventually since he found he wanted kids, i am CF, too bad, but not making that sacrifice for anyone

  9. Went to grad school together and started out as classmates/friends… got to know each other as friends – saw the good side and the bad, good days and bad. Later decided to date after graduating and getting jobs. Best decision ever and I have been married to my best friend for a year now.

  10. I became fwb with a long-time coworker/friend after I broke up with my abusive ex. Fwb turned into feelings after a few months. After an amazing 4 years, he proposed and we are engaged!

  11. I met him in February this year. I was looking to make more friends outside the high control religion I was determined to leave but because of the shunning policy, I wanted to make sure I had some solid friendships before leaving so I wasn’t on my own.

    We hit it off immediately and for the first time in a REALLY long time my brain was completely calm, quiet and peaceful when I met him which I took as a good sign because I hardly ever feel like that around anyone.

    A week after we met, he asked me if I wanted to join his Dungeons & Dragons group and I said yes because I wanted to play for years. He’s the Dungeon Master, by the way.

    When we weren’t playing DnD together, we were hanging out at his place and watching movies or tv shows. It shifted when we cuddled for the first time on the couch and later he told me that was when he knew he wanted me to be his girlfriend. But he knew I was struggling with making plans to leave the religion I grew up in so he wanted to wait until the time was right.

    We went on our first date in August at an amazing steakhouse and a few weeks later he asked me to be his girlfriend.

    This is my first adult relationship and he is such a beautiful down to earth human being that I can’t imagine how I became so lucky to have him in my life. When my world was in chaos, he brought peace and harmony to it when I needed it most. We affectionately think of each other as Tyr and Loki – He’s the calm harmony and I’m the chaotic unstable one.

    There have even been a few occasions where he was my lifeline call when my depression got so bad I wanted to die and I will forever keep thanking him for how he has been there for me.

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