Is it ever possible to make dad feel like dad?

He abandoned me when I was 5, i saw him couple times over the years but he genuinely had no influence over my life

Im 19 now, living with him because fuck it I want a dad. But he doesn’t feel like dad? And when he hugs me and shit it feels weird.

I know this will sound stupid, but I’ve always wanted a “dad” all my friends had one and I always felt that gap, I felt like with an active father figure in my life growing up I could’ve done better, in school, socially, confidence etc

Now im 19, I still long for that father, I’m living with him now as I decided to but he is just a guy I happen to see a few times. When he was active in my life I can barely remember.

What should I do? Do any dads have any input? Do any one who grew up without a dad have input?

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