I got my girlfriend new pants, but I don’t want to overstep or make her feel guilty for it

I w(19) have been dating my gf w(21) for about 6 months now. I really love her and we get along great. She recently stopped smoking and has talked to me about how she feels like she gained weight from eating as a replacement for smoking (which from my perspective, it isn’t a lot of weight and i’m trying to assure her she’s beautiful either way and that this replacement behaviour will at some point stop too) but she mentioned like twice now that her pants have stopped fitting and that she feels more depressed because of body insecurity because of it. Her mother also isn’t helping with it, she has been criticizing my gf ever since I know her specifically for her weight, which to me seem like a deflection of her mothers own feelings on my gf. My gf is autistic, as am I and she is likely also on the bpd spectrum, which we talk openly about whenever needed. This morning, while getting up she once again mentioned the pants and I suggested buying new one’s because pants shouldn’t be defining her self-esteem, but she said she doesn’t have the money right now and doesn’t have the energy, as she works full time. When she went to work today, I went out to a nearby mall and got her a pair of jeans, in a style she likes to wear in a size that I guess will fit her, as she likes oversize clothes and a pair of comfortable pants in a bigger size that also are her style as well as a T-shirt for like 60 $ total, because I do have that money right now. The thing is, I already got her (early) Christmas presents, which she really loved but said that I shouldn’t spend so much money for her. I did clarify that I do not expect the same gift-giving back, because I do this because I love giving to my loved ones and she made my life better, that’s why I do this. However, I did leave the tags on the clothes (but tape up the prize) in case she doesn’t like it or wants a different size. But how do I make it clear to her that I don’t want her to in any way feel bad for me spending money on her? I don’t want to overstep or overwhelm her with it. Reminder that I am also autistic, so I might be overthinking this.

Tl:Dr I bought my gf new pants to help her feel better about weight gain but don’t want her to feel bad about me spending money on her.

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