I will drink and get high alone but am currently at a party where everyone is intoxicated and I feel like I want to stay sober the entire time. Everyone is having fun but I feel like I just want to be alone and in a quiet place. Why can’t I party with everyone ? They are having fun but I shut down and don’t know why.

  1. the truth is no one here can tell you.

    this is a question for a therapist, and even they would need a conversation that goes past the small info in this post in order to give you anything near an answer.

  2. Omg do not feel the need to drink or smoke. I love being sober while everyone is intoxicated. No will be able to tell if you are being strange or awkward.

    Take a moment to collect yourself away from others. Hang back for a moment and just watch everyone enjoy themselves. Remind yourself that everyone is having a good time whether you are intoxicated or not, nothing about that choice will change that one way or the other.

    But if they’re having fun, and you’re there too chances are your presence is part of the fun. No reason to assume otherwise, dont try so hard.

    I once had a party, a friend passed out on my couch. He felt bad but I thought it was cool it meant my party was so cool someone passed out!

    You’re a great sport for coming out! Have a good time

  3. Stay sober and stay chill. That too, is appropriate at every party. Make casual conversation with people by observing things that you see about them and like. You probably like similar things.

    You will do great, if you don’t overthink about what is not happening.

  4. maybe you are afraid to let loose and do something in public that would cause them to judge you

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