My partner and I are looking for an erotic card game but the ones we’ve seen so far have been very tame and dull. We’re looking for something a lot more risqué and out there that really pushes us out of our comfort zones. But we’re only looking for questions/truths and not dares or anything too physical. It’s mainly to get conversation going. Questions can be about things such as fantasies, favourite flashbacks and past experiences, etc.

I’m aware similar questions have been asked before but the suggested games haven’t appealed to us for the aforementioned reasons. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Alternatively, if you can’t suggest something, maybe we can create our own game using questions from comments on this post.

P. S. We’ve been together for a while so we want the questions to all be sex related, not hypothetical scenarios to “get to know your partner”.

  1. You can check out Better Together…..there not all sex related but alot are. It’s tough to find what you’re looking for as they all usually mix in relationship-y stuff or physical stuff

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