I used to have a big crush on this girl (both 26) years ago at school (she is the sister of my then-best friend so we mixed quite a bit) but I was too scared to act on it at the time, and overtime we moved on to separate lives and she got a boyfriend and that was that.

Recently though, I found out she was single when she popped up on two separate dating apps I was using. I therefore decided to have a final go of it and send her a message on FB (we’re already friends) where I asked if she wanted to meet for coffee and catch up. I kept it as casual as I could. She opened it a few hours later but left me on read, so I just took that as a big no and moved on.

That was two weeks ago. Completely unexpectedly, yesterday, she finally responded to the message saying: “Sorry for the delay in replying! I’m really good thank you. How’re you? I think I’ll pass on the coffee and catch up but thank you for the offer. You doing anything nice for Christmas?”

I knew before I opened it that it would be a no, otherwise she wouldn’t have taken two weeks to respond. All of it very friendly and polite, but the one thing that’s stuck with me is the way she phrased her rejection, “I think I’ll pass on the coffee and catch up.” I mean, to me, that comes across pretty up front and brutal, although I appreciate her honesty.

I never have to see her again, and haven’t done for seven years now, but still I can’t help but feel awkward about it and now with hindsight embarrassed for even asking. I almost wish I’d still been left on read because I’d already taken that as a no. I also kinda wished she hadn’t ended with a question either as, ironically for someone I liked but clearly doesn’t want to see me, I feel I now want the exchange to be over as quickly as possible so I can put it behind me.

Am I justified for feeling like this or simply overthinking the way she phrased it?

  1. If you’ve never gonna see her again I don’t see why you should feel embarrassed. I mean I think given she’s your old best friends sister it wasn’t gonna workout anyway.

  2. Just don’t answer her question, leave her on read and continue your search. There is nothing to be embarrassed about, just keep it moving.

  3. Holy shit lmao I’m sorry this happened to you but damn I feel like I need to take lessons in savagery and protecting my peace from her 😂☠️

    The good news is that you have your answer and, bummer as it is, at least there’s no false hope and you’re not getting more invested in someone who ultimately wasn’t right for you. Saved yourself some long term heartache

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