So I’m facing this really weird social situation, which has been kind of messing my daily life.

I have a flatmate who was an acquaintance before I joined the current house (I had a great relation with this guy before joining the house). I took up the flatmate offer thinking this guy is my friend, we would hang out a lot etc. The reality turned out to be the total opposite. This guy does not socialize much with me when we are in the house (he acts super snobbish), even when both of us are free to hangout. I understand that we are adults and each have their own life, but I have always been friends with my roommates and used to hangout with them when all of us are free. The situation now is such that, it is too awkward to be in the same room with this guy, that I go into the common room only when this guy isn’t there. Anyway the lease of my current house ends in 2 months, and I can’t wait to shift out of here to a better living situation.

Recently this guy’s mom and gradma have come to our house to visit him for a month. They are the total opposite of him and have been socializing with me without any awkwardness. They have been cooking food daily for everyone, including myself. I have been eating lunch and dinner with his mom and grandma, which has been a fun experience because I live away from my family (different country) and have been missing home a lot recently. This has been going on for 2 weeks.

However since the last week, this guy’s mom and grandma have also stopped interacting with me frequently. They have also not been inviting me for food explicitly, which had made me wonder how to respond. Since I don’t have a great relation with my roommate, I can’t obviously go and ask his mom explicitly if lunch/dinner is ready. So I have had to eat food outside daily or make something for myself when they aren’t in the common room. I’m still not sure what led to this change in behavior in his mom and grandma. One thing i can think of- my roommate and his family were going out of town for the weekend, and had a lot of fresh food that was leftover before they were leaving. His mom told me to eat it, since they won’t be here. The food quantity was a lot, and I stretched it over 3 meals. I’m not sure if they were pissed off that I finished all the food.

Any suggestions on what I do here. My roommate’s family is going to be here for 2 more weeks, so I’m just waiting for it to get over.

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