I have no social battery at the moment.

I am working 5 days a week, 12 hour days, and even pick up shifts on the weekend where i can or do doordash deliveries for extra cash. I am in full grind and hustle mode, to set myself and my future family up for financial stability.

When I’m done work, I just want to go home, play some video games, chill with my boyfriend, and go into full hibernation mode. After a drink or a j I often find myself cleaning, doing laundry or cooking. It’s so peaceful and relaxing. I am a teacher, tutor, nanny, I work at a warehouse as well. So my job requires me to be extremely social and on top of everything at all times.

I feel a bit bad because my dad plays live music every weekend, and I used to attend each and every one to show my support. However, the past month or so I’ve been so incredibly drained at the end of my day/week, I don’t even feel like going out. I used to have friends to go out with, attend his live gig then we would go out and party, but i don’t have energy for that anymore and no desire to go out drinking. I just find it kind of boring to go to his gigs to sit alone for 3-4 hours while he plays, and I don’t have the energy to meet new people and socialize with everyone around me.

He invited me to one tonight saying “you don’t have to stay the whole night- can just come by for some pizza” and I feel like I should just suck it up and go support him, but fuck i just wanna veg out at home. AITA if i don’t go?

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