Tldr: don’t know if the love is really gone? She says she doesn’t know if she loves me or not?

I am a female that is 31 years old and ex is a female that is 34 years old.

We were friends first for about a year and a half. Until she made a move on me first. This was my first serious relationship I have ever had. She is very Catholic and believes in the faith 100%. Born and raised in a small town. We were together for about 4 years. We had several arguments regarding marriage due to her beliefs that there was no future for us because we are both females. She has always desired since she was 16 years old to get married and have children the traditional way. I have no idea what her label is. She said she’s never felt this way for a female. She has done online dating before me and longest guy she dated was 3 months. She said it’s because she found flaws in them.

She ended our relationship due to her still wanting to marry a guy. And plans on doing online dating. She has told me she does not know if she loves me still. She stated she doesn’t feel sparks or butterflies anymore. And that our arguments got worse. But she still wants me in her life and has told me she will always love me. We are comfortable with each other and she still wants to hangout all the time. We text each other all day everyday.

She believes being in a same sex relationship is a sin. And she wants to start online dating again to find that guy to marry. We never told anyone regarding us being in a relationship.

  1. Unless she denies her beliefs, she is gone, but if she ever comes back, it will be more of the same, you two arguing about it, if anything, the scriptures are true when they say you can’t serve two gods, you have to be committed to one or the other belief, doing two won’t work, and that goes for anything in life, not just religion related matters.

    I’d move on and take some time off on that friendship offers as you still have feelings for her, that won’t work… But if she ever comes back and say she wants to be with you, you will have to set the rules, that religion can’t come between you two.

    If she’s not able to commit to that, you shouldn’t be together, do not wait on her.

  2. “Confused, upset, and unsure?”

    She certainly is. If she hasn’t figured herself out by 34 she is not going to… You need to move on and take care of yourself.

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