I (31F) am starting to develop strong feelings for a man (38M) I’m seeing but our different sleeping styles are also starting to become a bit of a challenge. I like to be up by 7 (which I do not even consider to be an extreme early bird) but whenever I stay over at his place, I find the start to my day derailed because he likes to sleep in until at least 11 and keeps asking me to stay in bed “five more minutes.” He similarly gets a bit annoyed that I pass out at midnight while he still wants to watch a few more show episodes with me or even go out for a night cap.

I don’t feel like this is an insurmountable challenge if the desire to accommodate is there (for example, I tend to get up and start doing my work while he’s still sleeping while he stopped complaining about how “early” I pass out) but was wondering if anyone here has dealt with something similar.

TLDR: I wake up early while my partner stays up late. How to deal?

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