While I don’t use social media anymore, all u ever see is all the people u know and tons of people u font know doing all kinds of things in groups. Events, parties, all kinds of stuff. U go to school and everyone talks about what they did last night and what everyone’s planning after football practice or whatever. How tf do people get included in these things? In high school I played 3 sports, was on a first name basis with over 100 guys, was always able to have fun with these people at school and during team lifting workouts and practice, but not once was I ever included or in the loop with what everyone was doing after school

Now I’m 20 and I haven’t had so much as a text from any of these people I graduated with after being around them for 7 years throughout middle and high school. But I still see all those people easily making friends, going to parties and events, posting with girls all the time. How the fuck do people do that? I am so lost in how tf I’m ever gonna actually hang out with people outside of school or ever actually get to go to a real life party. Or be able to go to an event like a festival or concert without going by myself. Or go on a vacation with people other than my immediate family members. Or regularly text my friends and get answers back. Ik it probably sounds crazy to 99% of people but I really have no idea how to get included in things that people my age do. Like how do other people get invited to parties? Or firm group chats? Or make plans on what their doing over the weekend? I didn’t really realize how left out I was until my last high school sports season ended and I don’t know why

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