‘Go to school so you get a good job (or you’ll become a binman or work at Mcd)’ – grades/degrees dont always translate into a job (and binmen have decent salaries and Mcd not has a good career path but many people with degrees)

‘Someone hits you, you hit them back’ – I’m 5’6, 9 st wet and just not got a mindset for violence. Even if I did, I’ve known psychos who wouldn’t handle it and come back with a blade ..

‘Playing games all day won’t get you anywhere’ – successful gamers aside (youtube/professional) games can improve life skills although I appreciate addiction is real

In regards to naughty kids/bullies ‘they wont get anywhere in life’ – not always true and thats a painful lesson when you see that t*at driving a Porsche

Any others?

This is obviously just funny but when I got my first mobile phone c. 2001 my mum said ‘you’re not taking that outside!’ (Due to the expense/risk of loss/theft)

Edit: ‘renting is dead money’ – disagree as many people stay at home but dont actually save for a property .. meanwhile I experienced two cities and had freedom to move

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