What profession allows you to go to the gym regularly?

  1. I’m a lazy bastard now, and even when I went a few times a week I wouldn’t call myself anywhere near gymrat levels, but I got friendly with a few lads who were in there all day and all night. Go at 8am: they’re there. Go at 8pm: they’re there.

    All drug dealers.

  2. If you have a hour a day, than that’s a hour you could be at the gym.

  3. Logistics station manager. Most days I work maybe 4 hours but almost every week there is a massive problem that requires I stay in for 12 to 16 hours for a couple of days.

  4. Software engineer, usually go right after work finishes and before heading home.

    Sometimes go during lunches, no one really cares if I disappear for 2 hours so long as the job gets done.

  5. VFX for film and tv for 12 years now. But I also run my own company on the side.

  6. Senior computer systems engineer.

    I steal a line from Larry Gao when someone says they don’t have time to go to the gym:


  7. Getting my DVM degree .. so I go mornings before class. Nice way to relieve anxiety.

  8. Unless you work four 10s then you have time for the gym every day. But 10 hour days fucking suck and I can see just crashing after that. But then you have a 3 day weekend to hit the gym.

    Also Find a gym near your job if you have a long commute and just hit it after work and traffic may die down after and you save timr

  9. I’m in college. I usually wake up around 6 or 7 to go to the gym, but most professions allow you to go to the gym regularly. You only really need an hour a day.

  10. I own to companies- a real estate investment firm and a fitness based business. Regardless of what I did though I would make time for anything that is important or a priority to me. If I had to lose an hour of sleep to hit the gym or workout I would.

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