i had a lot of fun with a girl in my kickboxing class. we talked and laughed alot both in class and also outside of it. we defenetly had a playfull vibe togheter. she asked me to train with here 1-on-1 after class onece then there i got her number and we ended up texting but then i asked if she wanted to go out for drinks she didn’t respond. she has not read the text but i saw she has been online and read text in a shared groupchat. i saw her again during practise and we had a lot of fun togheter and it was like the whole text thing doesn;t happen. we still have a lot of fun togheter during practice but i didn’t get the change to bring up the text yet though because we are usually in a group setting and i think it would have been very akward and rude to just aks “why aren’t you replying” in frond of a group, that would just be akward for me and also unfair toward her to just put her on the spot like that so i decided not to bring it up. now my question is, how should i deal with this situation?

(ps english is not my native laguage so i appologize for any mistakes or if anything is unclear)

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