My bf and i have been together for about 3 years. He’s a nice person but lately our relationship has gone trough a rough path and we’re slightly trying to get out of that. We are a long distance couple and options for dates are limmited. Something that i have brought prev to improve the relationship is that i would like to be taken on dates could be both of us dressing up and eating something on videochat or idk. He said he will try for have been 5 months since i mentioned it and i don’r feel like anything has changed, so i keep bringing this up because i feel like he just doesn’t want to do the effort and he just feels i demand and demand and ask for too much since he has put effort during the relationship and improved other things, he also mentioned we have dates when we watch movies but i didn’t consider this to be a date since is more like a routine we have of watching videos, series or movies basically all the time. So i don’t know what to do or if i’m in the wrong i need other povs


TL;DR apparently i’m too demanding in my relationship but i don’t know

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