So, about two months ago my girlfriend broke up with me. And then a little while ago I turned 30.

And now I’m back looking for someone and I’m just so tired of it.

Even putting aside the fact that I loved my girlfriend so much and wanted nothing more than to start a life with her, I also feel too old to still be doing this. This whole “dating and finding someone new” thing.

I’m just tired of it. I’m just tired of putting so much effort, and emotion, and investment into a relationship only for it to fall apart and to have to start anew AGAIN. Have to go through finding someone AGAIN.

I’ve never liked this process. I’ve never liked trying to find someone. I’ve never liked the whole “dating” part before you’re together. I know some people love that stuff and think it’s exciting, but I find it all just tedious and stressful. I just like being in a long-term, committed relationship. A person I’m comfortable with and I love and who loves me. A person I can build a life with.

But now I have to start over AGAIN. And I feel like I just don’t have the energy anymore. And like I’m just too old for this shit.

I wanted to have found my person before I turned thirty. For a while I thought I had. And yet here I am, single again. Having to start over again.

I’m just so sick of it. I feel so done with it.

I just want a life partner.

Edit: For the record, even though I know some people are probably gonna downvote me for this regardless, I’m not saying that you HAVE to have found your life partner by 30 or you’re too old. I’m just saying that, for me, I always thought I would’ve found them by now. And I just personally feel too old for this shit nowadays. I’m just so tired of it.

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