So I started talking to this girl, she’s in my uni. We talked a lot about random things, she used to reciprocate as well. We have worked together as well. This one time we had food together and had a nice conversation. I have been in so many awkward situation involving her, but she has been really nice about it. She is super cool. The problem is I get very conscious around her and usually avoid her or catching conversation with her. For which i hate myself at times.

I wanted to hangout again so i asked her out for icecream, unfortunately we had a meeting that day with other people so she said we can do it with them. I was perplexed if it’s a no or just circumstantial. I texted her that i didn’t want to make anything weird by asking her out, especially because we have to work together for the next few years, she said it’s alright, nothing to worry about. We have since been talking alot about what going on with our lives, she asks questions and reciprocate as well and seems excited at times as well. I avoid making plans of studying together or doing any activities together because i keep thinking she said “no” once already and repeatedly asking out might come out as creepy. I don’t want to convolute our situation, i just want a clear answer and i am not sure how can I get that.

1 comment
  1. If you want a clear answer, ask a clear question. Tell her you like her and want to spend time with her and ask her on a date…and call it a date lol.

    If she says yes than things are clear and congrats. If she says no respect her decision and the boundaries are clear in the relationship now, it’s purely platonic until she says otherwise at that point.

    There’s nothing creepy about asking someone you’ve gotten to know recently on a date if you like them or to ask them to hangout if you see them as a friend as long as you make that distinction clear and don’t send mixed signals like you’re currently doing to her, that’s creepy.

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