I’m living in Korea and I do really love watching movies at a theater.
In here, it costs about $11USD.
what about your country?

  1. Here in my city,at the nearest cinema a ticket is 7 euros.

    At the biggest multiplex in the city,8 euros is the standard price.

    They also have discounts for some categories of people,and some types of film…old films are 6 euros,for example.

  2. A standard ticket at our local movie theater is €12,50. 3D or extra long movies are more expensive, and there’s a reduction for children, teens, students and pensioners.

  3. For an adult around 9 € at Bratislava and around 8 € for rest of the cities/towns.

    Last time I was at Cinema(2019 Star Wars), I paid 13.50 € for 2 adult tickets(2D).

  4. 7-9 euros.

    11-13 eur for premium which has all 1,5x wider reclinable seats and a mini table for snacks.

  5. Can’t really comment for Dublin, But for towns with a population of 23000 and another 20000 surrounding it. Tickets are around €7-10.

  6. One movie ticket is around 12,5 euros (1850 ISK), I like to go to the movies on Tuesdays when the tickets are half the price.

  7. My arm and my leg.

    Seriously though, it depends on the theater, time, date, and the recency of the movie. It’s usually 6-12 at smaller one in Helsinki (Cinema Orion, Cinema Engel). At the big one like Finnkino, it can get from 10 to 20 Euros. For a little context, 12 Euros is the price of a decent lunch. 20 Euros is the price of a more than decent lunch.

  8. If you go on the the first weekend it cost around 9-11€ but I usually go on a workday and pay between 4 or 6€.

    I usually buy a bond card for 20€ and get 5 tickets (edit: you have about 2 months to spend them all and can only get 3 tickets for each session, unless you buy them separately). If I don’t spend all it’s still cheaper than buying one every time I go.

  9. They raised the prices quite a bit in the last years, right now it’s about 6-7€ depending on the extra charges (length of the movie, time of the day, format).

  10. It varies depending on the city and so but in my city I paid 7,50€ last time and in Madrid I paid 9,50€.

  11. In Russia a ticket costs about 4 or 5 euros, which I find quite expensive. Beer is quite expensive too. Popcorn can cost about the same as a ticket, maybe a little less.

  12. Anything from about £5 to £8-10, depending on the cinema, whether it’s the weekend etc, if it’s in central London…. So about €6-12.

  13. Most bigger places it’s about 10-12 Euro if it’s not 3D, some of the smaller places only charge 8-9 euro

  14. In my city it’s 10-14€ usually.

    The price depends on what time of day it is, if the movie is 3D (98% are), if it’s longer than 120 minutes, and going on the weekend is also more expensive.

    It’s worth noting that this is one of Germany’s most prestigious cinemas though, with the largest screens, Dolby Atmos and other state-of-the-art technologies, so that’s what you’re paying for.

    Still almost choked when I was considering seeing the new Spider-Man movie and they charged 14,50€ for it…..

  15. From my experience cinema tickets are between 16 PLN (3,51 EUR) and 30 PLN (6,57 EUR), depending on the cinema and the movie. And for you to feel it better average hourly pay in here is 5,70 EUR.

  16. At my local (a smaller city) its around 8-10€ depending on if its 3D or over 2 hours etc. (I believe Disney movies also costs 1€ extra).


    When i lived in a bigger city here the tickets were the same, except for one cinema, where all tickets costs 5€. Everything else in there was super expensive (drink, snacks etc.), but if you went after you ate at home or something is was unbelievable cheap.

  17. Around 2-3 EUR for regular films and ~4 EUR for 3D films
    I love going to the movie theater and streaming services will never change that for me.

  18. 16€ but currently 240€ since you’d have to reserve the whole room for you and your max 9 friends since corona closed the theaters again.

  19. Almost no one would go to the movies if it cost what most of the people were paying here. It used to cost like 6 Euros a few years back. Now it costs like 1.5-2 Euros due the the devaulation of our currency .

  20. In my local cinema it’s €10 and €9,50 for people under 18, people over 65 and students that bring their student card. If the movie is longer than 2h15 you pay €1 extra. The price has gone up quite a bit. I remember it being €7 like 10 years ago.

  21. in Kyiv in my favorite cinema:
    2D is around 4€.
    3D – around 7€.
    Fancy relaxing seats-beds for two in a smaller and more private rooms – around 17€ for person.

    In others cities around the country it can be even cheaper.

  22. Basically the last remaining cinema chain here has prices varying between 20 lei (4 Euro) for small 2D screenings and 35 Lei (7 Euro) for the big IMAX 3D theater.

    I haven’t been to 4DX recently, but I think it’s also like 7 Euro. And VIP seating is only available in very few locations, so idk, maybe like 12 Euro.

  23. I paid in December 11€ and I was really surprised because while the lockdown the theater renovated everything and now we have huge extremely comfortable seats with little tables and you can put your feet up. I really thought that the ticket would cost something like 15 or 16 €

  24. Just checked for Spider Man, it’s 7 Eur. There’s also some kind of premium seat for 8 or 9.

  25. 10.90CHFs at the Arena theater, 19.90CHFs at the Pathe theater. That’s not including premiums such a IMAX, 3D, 4DX or ScreenX

  26. Actually, just 5 minutes from where I live is an Odeon, that notorious for being one of the most expensive in Scotland I think. It’s kindda shocking tbh.

    I just checked and to go see Spiderman today would be £8 for an adult. I know for definite I have paid more than that before though. Like double that lol.

  27. It can go from about 8€ for small local cinema theaters to maybe 12€ in bigger ones on average, I would say.

  28. €1,50 in my nearest movie theater, I just checked spider-man: no way home in 3D

    keep in mind that an average person makes around €300 a month in Turkey

  29. The most expensive is 7€, the cheapest is 5€ on normal days. Most of them are only 4€ on Wednesday, as that is the day of the spectator

  30. 7-8€ in smaller cities, while around 10 in big cities like Madrid or Barcelona. 3D a bit more, and the IMAX in Madrid even more but that one is awesome.

  31. In Edinburgh, prices can range from £4.99 to £15. The more expensive tickets are usually for the independent cinemas

  32. I checked prices in the 2 biggest cinema companies that currently operate in Gdańsk:


    – 15pln (3.30€) if you buy a ticket 3 days before.

    – 19pln (4.16€) 2 days before.

    – 23pln (5.03€) one day before.

    – 27pln (5.91€) in a day you want to see a movie.


    – 15pln for worse seat.

    – 20pln (4.38€) for standard seat.

    – 25pln (5.47€) for VIP seat.

    Of course there are additionald discounts if you are a student, if you buy family ticket, if you go to the cinema on specific day (iirc Helios has/had a day when every ticket is 15pln).

    As for the food prices are something from 20pln to 36pln 7.88€) depending on size of the popcorn and drink. Nachos are more expensive and with a drink their price might reach even a cost of 3 movie tickets. There are also ofc some sweets to buy, but most people will buy either popcorn or nachos.

  33. I’m from Vietnam, i don’t know why i’m seeing a post belonging to a Europe subreddit in my newsfeed but for the sake of your question, a 2D movie ticket in my province costs about 1.76€ to 2.93€, depends on the type of the seat i’m choosing and the date on which i’m seeing the movie. In bigger cities there are more movie formats and also more types of seats so a ticket there could cost more than where i’m from.

  34. First of all, it’s always the same all around the country. >90% of cinemas are of one of 4 big chains, all of which with identical prices. It doesn’t matter whether it’s new movie / it’s a weekday/weekend / the hour it plays.

    It costs about 11,5-12,5 EUR, depending on whether it was purchased online or at the spot (Surprise: online is more expensive while probably cheaper to operate).

    BUT, almost nobody pays full price. All credit cards companies (that nowadays don’t really give any benefit other than this one) have year-round promotions for 1+1 tickets. So unless you’re going alone / with an even amount of friends, you’re practically paying 6-7 EUR.

  35. I haven’t been to the movies in years but last time I checked a movie theater ticket coat about 4 euros

  36. I think it’s 13.25€ for a standard movie. 15,85€ for a better (and louder) quality version. It’s 20.35€ for 4K 3D & Imax 3D (all prices based of Spiderman)

    With popcorn and a bottle of water(and my incredible 50 cents disability discount) I usually pay around 18€

  37. On the major company: around 7€. A little more for the premium seats or atmos “special rooms”.

    There’s a phone network that gives you two tickets for the price of one so I always use that.

  38. I’ve got a subscription for €17.50 per month that gives unlimited access to about 20 cinema’s in Amsterdam (where I live), and more outside of it. Otherwise it’s about €10 to €12 I think per ticket.

  39. Around 13,5 euro, some a bit cheaper and often a little bit more expensive. But I also think the standard of the cinemars are very high here. 🙂

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