Hey so, this is a question I’ve been asking myself lately.

For some context I have a friend who is in my sports club. She is probably the person who I enjoy spending time with the most out of anyone in my life.

Now here’s the problem. Outside of our sport, we don’t really share any interests. So most of our conversations tend to talk about either the sport, or just life in general.

I don’t mind this don’t get me wrong, but it sometimes feels like I have nothing to say to her even though I want to talk to her. It feels like I run out of things to discuss.

She quite likes to talk about herself and her own experiences, and I quite enjoy listening to that. But I don’t like to question her too much because I worry it might start to feel like an interrogation.

So I wanted to ask, do I need to approach talking to this person differently? What are some things I could talk about when we don’t have anything in particular to discuss? Or do I just need to ask her more about herself and not really worry about the interrogation bit?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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