I (M33) have been dating a woman (F31) for 4 months now. We live in different cities (2.5 hours apart), but spend time together every weekend and talk everyday on phone/video call.

**Main question:**

However, two days back, she declined my calls multiple times and didn’t respond to my texts till today morning. My calls yesterday were unanswered too. She called me today and apologized for not responding to my calls earlier. Apparently, she had hard time at work two days back and was very upset. She took sick leave yesterday and spent time alone at home.

When I asked why she didn’t call me up as she could have vented out to me. She responded that she doesn’t feel comfortable crying in front of anyone and prefers alone time during such hard times.

We had decided to be exclusive a month ago and she has shared many personal emotional stuff from her past with me.

I feel sharing ongoing emotional moments is crucial for any relationship. I just feel a bit dejected that she doesn’t trust me enough to share her vulnerable moments.

Is such a behavior normal or is it a red flag? Am I expecting too much from such a new relationship? What if this continues in the future too?

**2nd Question**

Another point of concern is that she goes on some weekend trips with her office colleagues and college friends (6-7 people, a mixture of men and women). When she’s away, she doesn’t text or contact me. After coming back she shares all her experiences, videos and pics, along with those she went on the trip with. Is such radio silence during trips normal?

This is my first promising relationship ever and I don’t want to screw this up by my insecurities and inexperience. Please help.

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