My ((27F) husband (31M) isn’t taking my concerns about his work collegue seriously

My husband has a female coworker that I’m just not happy about, baring in mind he works with loads of woman and is good friends with them and I’ve never felt any concerns for them but this one girl ugh.
Back story when I had my baby last year he went weird/depressed, wouldn’t look at me or anything for a good month, two months until I snapped because I had PPD, looked at his phone and he had been texting this girl day and night, mostly innocent until he said how she looked good today with her hair down, and had hid treats in her work desk for her. I lost it, said stop texting, he did, all cool.
Fast forward, they still talk in work- I can’t stop that. But she had an issue with a guy she was dating who worked in the same place, she offloaded onto my husband and then said wish you were in I need a hug, I lost it again and said f u c k n o. (He was showing me these chats) he told her to get fucked,
Fast forward a few more weeks, she’s announced shes leaving (yay!) BUT he goes and follows her on Instagram, I told him it was beyond disrespectful considering my feelings and he said it was totally innocent.
She text him the other day about this guy again and he immediately came to me to show the texts.
I just looked at his phone, the conversation has been deleted and I looked on insta, he’s not liking her picks but replied to her stories saying things like ‘put on a top you wh*re’ and she replied ‘I’m a sl*t and what hahaha’

What do I even do? Is he just plain thick? Or something I’m missing here?
I’ve already threatened any more bullsh*t and I’m leaving him

TL: DR- husband has female coworker I don’t like/feel uncomfortable about

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