For those who have had a front row access to someone who comes from generational wealth, or is by and large “old money”, what are some things you’ve noticed which would be super interesting/surprising to the people on the outside? Or anything oyu found particularly weird?

For me, my mom’s side of the family is generationally loaded. They’ve had connections to politicians and bankers and made a lot of money in the process. One thing I’ve noticed in our family functions is how silent and composed they all are. No one raises their voice. And no, they are not boring or dull to hang out with. 2-3 of them are actually super hilarious and are always cracking jokes. But, no one really shouts or speaks loudly. I have never seen them fight or disagree in public in a way that people realise. It’s always very calm and dignified.
Also when my great grandmother walks in the room, everyone stands up immediately and stops dead in their track of whatever they are doing to say Hi or give her a hug. Plus, when she starts speaking, say when we are eating, no one says a word until she finishes.
I found that kind off hard to adjust to because I was never brought up in such an environment (we moved to a new countruy when I was a child).

Super interested to know your thoughts guys!

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