Do you ever feel like you are just a list of Pro’s and Con’s? As if we humans, in all our complexity, are just a list with some images. We look, mostly in vain, for someone with whom our Pro’s outweigh our Con’s. Someone willing to put in the effort to peel back our layers, to allow us to peel back theirs. Hoping…that it may lead to something meaningful, that their layers, and ours, will mix and form new layers.

For some of us this search feels eternal and exhausting. We are told “It only takes one”, “The right person will come along”, “I met my person when I wasn’t looking” and all that other well intentioned advice. We smile and laugh….pretend we are fine. But inside, are we really fine? Or are we screaming into an empty void with no one to hear us?

I have been screaming so long that my screams are but a whisper, a soft exhale of breath. And yet still, I listen, I yearn and I wait. Can anyone hear me?

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