So I’ve left 2 jobs in the past 9 months over this, and contemplating doing it again. I don’t know if it’s me or these people I work with were just not cut from the same cloth or something. I was in a job 15 odd years and hit it off from day 1 but it’s just not happening with these people.

Just generally conversation it’s like drawing blood from a stone, there’s no good mornings of even a hello, even common courtesy they’ll just stand in your way and not move out of the way if you’re trying to get past, that’s what I’m up against, I’ve tried humour but nope doesn’t even get a smile.

There all big friends among themselves, cliques have been developed. The old favourite when ones over standing beside you looking something which is a perfect opportunity for small talk, they’d sooner stander and holler across the room to their mate than talk to me.

Any advice as I’m getting no where.

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