So I get that I’m pretty young (16 years old) and I don’t really get into many relationships as some people my age may be. But I currently just got into my first relationship of this year and things were going great. She was super bubbly and friendly and could never stop talking. We went out all day on Friday before I popped the question to officially start dating and become a couple. She was super excited about it and said yes and we sealed it with a kiss. Well her best friend since birth went on a long vacation that very same day but I didn’t think much of it because it’s just a vacation and most people go on a couple a year and plus she’s only gone for 10 days. I had to leave the next day to go out of town for a sports trip and when I get there the day after I get a message from her asking if I can call her because she wants to talk about what happened the day before. She said she’s super happy that I finally grew a pair and asked her out but she in the moment didn’t realize that she wasn’t ready for a kiss and wants to slow things down. Which by all means I was happy to go with! I don’t want to do anything that will make her uncomfortable or worries so I happily said that we can definitely slow things down. But since then she’s been super dry and distant. At first it was just over Snapchat with very short worded answers and no face snaps and mainly sending roof pictures but now even in person she seems very distant. She no longer walks to her car with me and she just doesn’t have that same spark that I knew she used to have. I have mentioned it to her a couple of times since then asking if everything is ok and if she’s feeling ok, each and every time I ask though she just says she misses her best friend. Which for the first couple of days I thought that it was the only problem. We hadn’t gotten a chance to call with how busy my sport schedule is until today. I was asking her what she’s been feeling recently and that I’m stating to worry about her with how much her interactions with me have changed in the past couple of days and she still told me that it’s just because she misses her best friend. When I brought up her being dry she says she’s just adjusting to be ing in a relationship and that we’ve talked so much that there ain’t much else to say. I’m starting to worry because I understand missing someone but vacation isn’t a permanent thing and she comes back in a few days but that doesn’t seem like the only reason.

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