I honestly think people who accuse others of bragging are insecure and jealous.

For example, at my last job I mentioned that I grew up in England and lived there for almost 15 years (more than half my life). This was after someone asked me about my accent and questions about my life.

A small group of coworkers started to ridicule me behind my back and accuse me of bragging. They mockingly called me “European” and classy, when England isn’t even part of Europe. This may have also been because I said I spend my childhood summers in Italy and had been to the Vatican. Again, I only told one person AFTER they questioned me about my upbringing and asked if I was religious (because I never swear or drink).

Meanwhile, the coworkers who talked about growing up in Mexico or India or Africa CONSTANTLY were NEVER accused of bragging. Because Americans seem to associate class and privilege with living in the UK or Europe (even though there are many poor people there). And it reveals their own bias and racism, since they don’t feel jealous or the need to mock someone who grew up in a third world country. And I guarantee you if I said I grew up in India for 15 years no one would accuse me of being a braggart.

Additionally, when I would bring in snacks or bakery goods to my workplace MOST coworkers would be ecstatic. But a small group would EAT the food while complaining that I was “seeking attention” and had a “rich dad” (lol), and I should have gone to goodwill instead. How is this not extremely jealous and bitter behavior? It took time and effort to go buy a bunch of donuts and lug them into my workplace. And a group of haters eat the food while accusing me of bragging (when they would NEVER make a similar effort or kind gesture). This is another example of how people who accuse others of BrAGgInG just reek of jealously

I’m sick of having to dim my light to make others feel more comfortable. I’m a total pushover, extremely quiet, and barely talk due to years of criticism and bullying by people like this.

One psycho woman at my job even threw away my personal stationary out of spite, spread a rumor that I have a rich dad who owns companies in Europe (LOL), and would loudly ask me why I “never eat anything” to try and imply that I’m anorexic or humiliate me in public. It’s like they feel the need to “humble” you and put you in your place or something. Because my quiet and reserved demeanor causes many Americans to view me as stuck up or aloof. And if I don’t say good morning or gossip constantly then I am rude and think I’m “too good” or something. When I am just quietly trying to get my work done

I feel like part of it’s their own insecurities. Because they feel like I’m judging them for being super loud, drinking, swearing, and never traveling abroad or something. Because they go out of their way to mock and ridicule me for my quietness, call me names like “religious freak” because I don’t drink or swear openly at work, and literally mentioned living abroad one time. And I’m not one of those people who travelled abroad two weeks during college, I literally spend the majority of my life not living in America. So I feel like that is highly relevant to who I am as a person.

I didn’t know where to post this, I’m just ranting sorry

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