My SIL, who is also someone I consider to be a good friend, has struggled with quitting smoking for years now.

I largely see this as not my business- surely she is aware that she smokes a lot lately. However, recently it has gotten quite serious. We DnD together, and she needs breaks perhaps up to twice an hour to smoke. Previously, it might be once every two or three hours. I have actually seen her go whole sessions without a smoke break before, which now seems unthinkable.

She would like to have children in a few years and hopes to have quit smoking before conceiving. Again, I see this as not my business, but I say this to show that I know she feels a lot of urgency in this area.

I really struggle with expressing concern without coming across as judgemental. My background is quite religious (exLDS) and I do not feel socially equipped to “meet people where they are at” despite feeling a deep desire to. I certainly don’t want to make her feel like I’m staging an intervention. Obviously, she isn’t naive to the effects of smoking on her health and finances, and she wouldn’t benefit from a lecture.

I really care about her and would like to offer support. I also really value our friendship and do not want her to feel as though she needs to defend her habits against me- we all have our things, right? Have you ever navigated something like this?

I am prepared to hear that the best approach is to leave it be, but I really hope to be able to help her.

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