Ok so i told this guy i (F) know that i got some chocolate buns for a couple of friends and i got him one aswell. He said that he’s excited to taste it and stuff. The buns i made were not successful but they tasted good. Anyways i give him one and his friend one aswell so here’s what they did:
They guy i was talking to at the beginning said the dough taste good but not the bun overall. He kept making fun of them and idk if he was being sarcastic but he was mean. I felt embarrassed and he made me regret giving him the bun. YES i know that they weren’t perfect but why are you being so mean??? It really surprised me because we have been friends for a while and he was so nice to me. He didnt even complete it and gave it to his friend INFRONT OF ME. 🙁
The second guy just said thank you and ate it silently. No comments no making fun. But i dont know if he made fun of it later or got rid of it.
If the buns were as bad as he was saying then half of my class wouldn’t have said that thye tasted good. So is he being just funny or mean to me? I cant believe that he did that because he was being so nice the whole time:( he even told me to sit near him so we can talk in class and stuff. I hate him now lol:(

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