For context, I’m enrolled in a marketing course, but since covid the class are exclusively online (although there was some exceptions). The center where they do the exams are relatively far away, and you can only go by car or public transport (although there is only one bus so good luck with that).

She has started some convos with me by replying my stories because she found funny the things I said/uploaded. Also said that I seem like a nice person and we could do the practices together. Although we’ve only saw in person once. In resume; seems like we get along but it hasn’t be too much treatment in person to ask something like that freely without looking “weird”(?). I’m not looking for something romantic, just friendship

So, since I have a car and her place is on the way to the university; should I ask her or would be out of place/weird? If so, how can I say it?

  1. Simple enough, “Do you want a ride to the exam?” Then, if yes, be a nice person and give your classmate a ride. If no, respect the decision, and don’t bring it up again.

  2. I’m going to the exam on [date]. You’re on the way so I can pick you up. I thought it’d be cool to hang out in person and we can do some practicing on the way there.

    Honesty is key. You wanna hang, let them know you wanna hang. It only gets misconstrued if your intentions and actions represent that.

  3. “Hey there.. I’m on your route to class, do you want a lift?” .. done, smashed it.

  4. Just ask her directly! Hey do you want to go to exam together? It’s on the way for me so i thought I’ll ask you if you’d like me to pick you up on the way!

    You can add about revising on the way together too.

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