Been married for 6 months and together for about 10 years to the absolute women of my dreams. Our sex life has never been great due to me having a small penis and after about 2 years of her been unsatisfied sexually we came to an agreement of her been able to fuck other men which was okay and never a problem because I wanted her to be satisfied with everything in life and this worked quite well for a couple of years. About 5 years ago she completely stopped having sex with me and would no longer let me see her naked apart from certain times like my birthday.

A year ago she was talking about marriage which is something I’ve always wanted, she was asking me if it would ever happen and I said yes as long as once we were married she would stop sleeping with other guys which she was more then happy to stop right away which she did we got married 6 months later.

The first 4 months of our marriage was good and enjoyable but about 2 months ago nearing her birthday she asked if she could sleep with someone 1 last time but wanted to do it at home with me there which was not something that ever happened before she always previously went over to there places and never had me involved and never really spoke about it much to me. I said no to her doing it here , she proceeded to convince me over the next week by saying it would just be one last time and saying things like wouldn’t it be so hot to see your wife naked after not seeing her naked for so long and she said she would have sex with me afterwards and not having any sex for 5 years and been offered it for the first time in that long I finally decided to go through with it. It all happened and it was okay but I let her know that it can never happen again and she was more then okay with that

Last week I came home to her in bed with someone else she asked me to please just sit down and let it happen. We had a massive argument afterwards but all that came out of it was her saying it’s gonna keep on happening. All this week she has been having sex with me every night.

I really don’t know if I should divorce her apart from our sex life we have the perfect relationship she is so loving and caring even if that seems hard to believe after reading what was above. We do everything together and live a really happy life, have 3 successful businesses 2 we have built complete seperate from each other and 1 we have built together and are very successful in. I really want to spend my life together it’s just hard getting used to what is going on lately and I’m just so not sure what to do.

Should I divorce her? Or should I just let it keep happening?

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