I feel so mentally drained and physically exhausted some nights from crying so much and not feeling good enough. I know I’m not perfect and neither is he. But I also know that I AM good enough for someone. I AM good enough for him. He always tells me he likes me and to not ever think he doesn’t. He doesn’t want a relationship right now, but he still plans trips with me, visits me, brings me gifts, holds my hand, and all the other relationship things. Sometimes I want to walk away in hopes he’ll realize what he lost, but I don’t have the strength to do so in fear that he’ll be gone forever and I hold on to the what ifs. He’s a great guy and I know I have to respect his feelings/choices.

When he was recently visiting me I talked to him about how I feel and told him that I like him a lot and no matter where he ended up for residency (my state or his, which he ended up in his state) I WANTED to make things work. I WANTED to continue things with him cause I DO like him. He just said “you’re gonna lose feelings and drift away from me though cause I can’t be here like this for you.” 🙁 Idk how to show him/tell him that I’m not like his last gf of 2.5 yrs and he can’t compare this relationship to that one which he does cause it’s not fair to me. Idk if he’s scared of getting hurt again or what. But all I know is my heart really hurts and I want to go back to being happy like in the beginning 😭

*I know everyone’s going to tell me to let go and move on, but honestly it’s easier said then done. We’ve invested so much into each other.

**Also last week he invited me on a cruise with his friends… but a few weeks prior to that I talked to him about how I feel about not ever being invited to hang out with him and his friends or meeting his family… yet he met my family after 4 months and is going to one of my really good friends wedding with me. He told me when we had that talk that if he introduces me to his friends it basically means I’m his gf at that point. Well this really confuses me now.

1 comment
  1. Sounds like you’re never gonna be a priority to him and he’s still hung up on what his ex did. It’s up to you whether you stay dating him or not, but just know that you deserve a healthy, loving relationship where you both put in effort to be together.

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