Me and my girlfriend haven’t been dating long. About a month. We’ve argued quite a bit. The main issue right now, is she doesn’t feel safe. She says I don’t have that masculine energy. It’s extremely disheartening and I want nothing more than to fix this. Not only for her but for myself. That isn’t how I was raised. It makes sense though, why we argue so much? We both have feminine energies? She compensates by taking the masculine role, and she said she wants to feel like a girl that needs protection.

A bit more context, I was in a deep depression for a long time after my father committed suicide a year ago. My whole world was flipped upside down, and I’ve felt without guidance for a while. My acne worsened, my self esteem plummeted, and I am expected of so much and yet I don’t meet the expectations. So with this in mind, that is why I believe I give off a feminine energy? I want to change, what do I do to be more masculine for my girlfriend and make her feel safe?

TL;DR: My girlfriend doesn’t think I am masculine enough for her and she doesn’t feel safe, how do I change?

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