Hey all.. my husband (34) and me (30) have been married for almost 8 years, together 9. We have a 7,6,4 year old. We were only together a couple of months before we got pregnant, within 6 months we were married and have been together ever since. Throughout the craziness of raising kids, being a SAHM, and my husband being the provider we most definitely fell into the roommate phase. (More him than me). He never wanted to have sex, or spend quality time with me, everything came before me. Etc. about 2 years ago I told him I wanted a divorce. He acted shocked. I told him him that the constant rejection in the bedroom, has hurt me and made me feel so resentful. Made me question his attraction towards me, etc. So that opened up his eyes. He tried for a good 6 months. Randomly hugging me, holding my hand, finally wanting to have sex. But the only issue is- I have been completely checked out ever since. Although we have a great friendship, it seems we don’t have anything past that. He’s a wonderful dad, and a good provider, but I’m just not happy. I envision a single life.. not with him. I don’t want to have sex with him. I don’t feel emotionally connected to him. I just want to be separated from him. I’m not sure he realizes how disconnected I am. But I don’t even want to kiss him. I’m not sure what to do. Has anyone ever been in this situation before? And did you leave? Or stay?

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